Spider's Web

Taken at my parent's house at Christmas time a few years back with a brand new macro lens.  The timing was impeccable.

[Click on the image to see more detail]

Taken in 2009, this black and white exposure captures the majestic tower bridge opening with the iconic white tower of the Tower of London to the left. Coop's Shot Tower is a shot tower located in the heart of the Melbourne CBD, Australia. It was completed in 1888 and is 50 metres high.  It now resides inside a shopping mall. Taken during our February 2007 Western US trip, the view of the Grand Canyon in Arizona is simply magnificent. Here's a nice candid shot of me exploring the vast ruggedness of the Great Canyon in Arizona in the United States in 2007. One of the highlights of my visit to London in 2009 was a visit to the British Museum.  This shot is from the Great Court, which is simply spectacular.