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Giza Plateau

A view of the ancient Sphinx at the Pyramid complex at Giza, just outside Cairo in Egypt.

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The Great Pyramid is indeed a wonderous sight, this shot was composed adjacent to the remains of one of the Queen's pyramids, nearby in Giza, Egypt. Found buried at the foot of the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt were the wooden remains of great solar boats which once would have transported the body of an Egyptian Pharaoh to the ancient pyramid complex. Just outside the Giza Pyramid complex near Cairo in Egypt lies the desert stretching on to the horizon.. A photo looking out from deep within one of the Queen Pyramids at the Giza Pyramid complex near Cairo, Egypt. A view of the ancient Sphinx at the Pyramid complex at Giza, just outside Cairo in Egypt. Taken from Cairo, this is a late afternoon view of the river Nile. Taken from inside the brand new and very modern Library of Alexandria during our first visit to Egypt in 2010.