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Forbidden World

A tightly framed view of the inside of the Forbidden City in Beijing, focusing on an old water container, used to put out fires in emergency situations.

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The view from our apartment during a typical winter in the Chinese city of HangZhou. The palace city in Beijing, China demonstrating clearly what a grand scale of design really looks like. A tightly framed view of the inside of the Forbidden City in Beijing, focusing on an old water container, used to put out fires in emergency situations. One of the marvels of the world, the Great Wall of China, unrestored section as seen from near the Mutianyi section of the wall, north of Beijing. Heading east along the top of the restored section of the Great Wall, near the Mutianyi section, north of Beijing. It has become an annual tradition for the residents in the far north of China to create ice sculptures on a grand scale.  This shot is from opening night of the ice festival in Harbin, China in 2011. A candid action shot of a Siberian Tiger in action during a tour of the harbin Tiger Park and Sanctuary in Winter, 2011. From the Northern Territories near Hong Kong, this shot was taken inside a Chinese temple, illustrating the serene nature of the many coils of incense slowly burning away. Only a little ways north from Hong Kong, heading towards Mainland China, there is a temple which is host to 10,000 Buddha statues. A nice shot looking south east from above Aberdeen on the island of Hong Kong, looking towards the exotic South China Seas. A long exposure night shot of the lights of Hong Kong taken from near the peak on Mount Victoria. From the Jin Mao tower in the Pudong district in downtown Shanghai, we get a brilliant view of the city lights by night. The amazing view inside the famous Jin Mao tower in the Pudong district in Shaghai, China.  The view encompasses a view of a drop of about 30 stories. The host nation's massive pavilion at the World Expo 2010 hosted in Shanghai, China. This gate is located in the surrounding area at the six harmonies pagoda, the structure was built during the Southern Song Dynasty (420-589), and improved during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing Dynasties (1644 -1911). These rock carvings ("The Feilai Feng grottoes") have existed in the hillside at Lingyin Temple in HangZhou for almost 1,000 years. This scene is at the exit of the Nanjing Massacre museum, which is actually the site of mass graves from World War II.  The statue and the dedication to peace is astoundingly moving but welcome.