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A sketch of a legend

Taken in Rome, this is the interior of the famous Colosseum, post-edited with a sketch filter.

[Click on the image to see more detail]

A black and white shot taken at the top of the abbey Mont St. Michel in northern France. A lovely black and white shot of a merry  round near the base of the famous Eiffel Tower, near the banks of the river Seine in Paris, France. Just near Dawes Point Park, there is a nice view of North Sydney and Luna Park from underneath the massive shadow of the Harbour Bridge. Taken in 2009, this black and white exposure captures the majestic tower bridge opening with the iconic white tower of the Tower of London to the left. A nice black and white rendering of the staircase spiraling through Christopher Wren's "Monument" in the heart of London. Taken in Rome, this is the interior of the famous Colosseum, post-edited with a sketch filter. We have here a black and white rendering of a shot taken inside the ancient Trajan's marketplace in Rome.  I had trouble trying to capture the raw detail of the structure whilst contrasting it against the sheer size of the marketplace itself, the contrast seemed better in black and white - especially for the foreground.